history 171

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Industrial Reform


1. Describe some of the living and working conditions of the Industrial Revolution

2. Explain the trend towards urbanization during the second half of the 19th Century.

3. Evaluate the methods that reformers used to solve the problems of the Industrial Revolution.


Define / Identify

Mary Wollstonecraft               Robert Owen              Emmeline Pankhurst 

John Stuart Mill                       David Ricardo             Karl Marx                    Adam Smith


Nationalism in Europe


1. As Prime Minister of Sardinia, Count Camillo di Cavour stood for four principles.  Name them.

2.  What was Garibalbi’s main contribution to the unification of Italy?

3.  How were Sardinia and Prussia similar in the movement of Nationalism?

4.  Otto von Bismark’s policy of realpolitik meant that he:

5. Why was Prussia was eager to go to war with France in 1870?

6.  Describe ways that Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire were similar in the 1880s and 1890s.

7. List several of the many ethnic groups in Austria Hungary.

8. In 1876, Emperor Francis Joseph created the Dual Monarchy of Austria –Hungary to satisfy the demands of the ________.

9. Nationalism can serve as both a unifying and divisive force.  Give examples of each in different parts of the world and explain what factors make it happen each way.






Terms to define / People to Know

            Menelik II                                Muhammad Ali                       David Livingstone

Colony                                     protectorate                             sphere of influence

Berlin Conference                   Matthew Perry                                    Opium War

            Banana republics                    Zulu Uprising                           Roosevelt Corollary


1.  List examples for each of the following reasons for Imperialism:

A. political                                B. economic                            C. social         

2. What theory was used by European imperialists to justify their exploitation of the native peoples in Asia, Africa, and the Americas?

3. List four results of reforms made during the Meiji period in Japan

4. What is the main reason that the Japanese began the Seclusion policy (keeping out Europeans)?

5. While most of Africa was under European control, which two countries maintained independence?

6. How did native peoples generally view European imperialism?

7. What did the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War have in common?

8. By 1914, what was the situation in the Ottoman Empire?

9. Explain the change in China’s attitude toward Imperialism and trade with the West from the 1600s to the 1800s.

10. What was unethical about the way that Great Britain opened trade with China?

11. What was the goal of the Boxers in China?

12.  List three improvements the British made in India.

13.  Explain why the Sepoy Rebellion occurred.

14. The Suez Canal was built by the combined efforts of what two countries?

15. How did the United States act as an Imperialist power in Latin America without taking direct control?

16. What four countries dominated world trade and political affairs through imperialism by the mid 19th Century?


World War I


Terms to define:

            Dardanelles                             Armistice                     Reparations                 War Guilt Clause


1.  Britain entered World War I in August of 1914 because Germany:

2.  World War I occurred between the years of:

3. How did developments in weaponry, transportation, and communication (Address all three aspects) change the nature of warfare during the “Great War” (WWI)?

4. Why did a stalemate develop on the Western Front?

5. How and why did the attitude towards WWI change throughout 1915?

6. The action that sparked World War I was:

7. The first step in Germany’s war strategy called for:

8. Explain some of the messages spread through propaganda during WWI

9. The United States entered WWI mainly because of:

10. A major problem faced by Russian troops on the eastern front was:

11. List the member of these groups:

            A. Triple Alliance         B. Triple Entente         C. Allied Powers         D. Central Powers

12. What was the message of the “War Guilt Clause” in the Treaty of Versailles?

13. The armistice ending WWI was signed on:

14. What three countries were most bitter over the Treaty of Versailles?

15. Two major European empires no longer existed after WWI. What were they and what happened to them?

The Russian Revolution and the Rise of Dictators / Between Two Fires


Terms to define / People to Know

Leon Trotsky                           Fascists                                   Benito Mussolini

Mohandas Gandhi                  Mustafa Kemal (Attaturk)      


1. Why did Russia make a separate peace treaty with Germany in World War I?

2. The Bolsheviks slogan called for revolution on the part of:

3. Explain how Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini exemplify the Key Traits of Totalitarianism

4. The outbreak of what disease followed immediately after WWI? What was the result?

5. What new technology, popularized between the two World Wars, brought world events more directly into people’s daily lives?

6. Why were people in Italy and Germany so willing to accept the dictators that rose to power in their countries in the 1920s and 1930s? 

7. Why did governments become increasingly involved in their national economies after WWI?

8. How did economic depressions in major world power nations impact less developed parts of the world?

9. List Hitler’s main goals in Germany.

10. Both Hitler and Mussolini sponsored large, military style youth leagues that encouraged what characteristics?

11. Starting in the 1920s, Japan began militaristic expansion in Asia.  Where did they invade and why did they do so?

12. The League of Nations’ response to Japan’s aggression in Manchuria proved …

13. Outline the progress of Nationalist movements in China, India, and Turkey between the World Wars.


World War II and the Holocaust


Terms to define / People to Know

Scorched earth policy             kamikaze                                 Erwin Rommel

Winston Churchill                    Benito Mussolini                      Franklin D. Roosevelt

Charles de Gaulle                   Douglas MacArthur                 Dwight D. Eisenhower

appeasement                          Neville Chamberlin                 Harry S. Truman

Bernard Montgomery             Rescue at Dunkirk                  Island Hopping

Genocide                                anti-Semitism                          Kristallnacht


1. What German action finally caused Britain and France to declare war?

2.  What was the “phony war”?

3. What was agreed in the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact?

4. After the fall of France, a puppet government was set up in the city of

5. What city was the target of a Nazi “blitz” for 57 straight nights?

6. The United States was able to help its allies and still remain neutral through what three policies?

7. What event led to the United States entry into the war?

8. D-Day refers to what event?

9. Explain what is meant by the term “Turning Point Battle.”  Be able to site and explain examples.

10. What was the main factor in Germany’s inability to take Moscow?

11. Where were atomic bombs dropped in Japan and in what order?

12. The Soviet victory at which city is viewed as a major turning point in the war?

13. Capturing the island of _______ allowed the Allies to fly bombing raids over Japan.

14. The major people involved in the conference at Potsdam were:

15. What important principle was established by the Nuremburg Trials?

16. In addition to Jews, what groups were targeted for extermination in the Holocaust?

17. At which concentration camp did the most successful escape take place?

18. What country was successful in evacuating most of the Jewish people from their country before Hitler took over?

19. Explain several ways that European colonies became involved in WWII.



Cold War


Terms to define / People to Know:

Super Powers                         De-Stalinization                                   Mao Zedong               

Berlin Airlift                              Berlin Blockade                                   Berlin Wall Torn Down

Marshall Plan                          NATO Established                              Containment

Iron Curtain                             Reunification of Germany                  Yalta Conference

Satellite                                   Potsdam Conference                         Soviet Bloc

Nuclear Arms Limitations (SALT / INF Treaties)


1. What was the name of the plan to rebuild economic stability in Europe?

2. What was the central conflict of the Cold War?  Explain the major concerns of Western Europe and the United States in post-WWII Europe.

3. Both the Soviets and the United States sought to expand their influence in non-western nations.  What methods did they use?

4. Name and explain the policies implemented by Mikhail Gorbachev to increase freedoms and opportunity in the Soviet Union.




Crisis of the Modern World


Ho Chi Minh                decolonization                         Tiananmen Square


1. Describe the rise of Turkey to a modern nation after the collapse of the Ottoman in Empire in 1916.

2. How did many Asian and African countries achieve independence?

3. How would you characterize the relationship between Israel and other Middle Eastern nations?

4. What factors led to the partition of Pakistan and India?

5. How has the issue of nuclear capability added complexity to international relations?

6. Where has the concept of genocide continued to be a problem in the world?
7. In what ways has the issue of Human Rights been a driving force in World History over the past 25 years?



Be able to locate the following on a blank world map.


China                           Egypt                           France                                     Germany

Great Britain                India                            Italy                                         Japan

Mexico                                    Nicaragua                   Russia / Soviet Union             United States




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