improve the problem part and do self and group member assessements

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I upload the file of our project below, I am in charge of the problem part of the project. Please improve my part of the project, which is only the problem part according to the professor’s feedback. Thank you.

Here is the feedback from our professor:

I have read your group’s draft, and I have some general suggestions for you to consider. Right now there seems to be a disconnect between the first half of the proposal and the second half. The proposal is to create a PSA, but that is not mentioned until the implementation section. You allude to it in the introduction, but it is not clearly stated there. All that is addressed in the solution section right now makes it sound like you’re proposing solutions to what people can do to combat COVID-19. However, the real thing being proposed is the creation of the PSA. So, the solution section needs to make that it’s focus. You might certainly address some of the content you think might go into the PSA. Also, since the creation of the PSA is in response to the need for Miami students to have this information, that should also be clear in the problem section as well. The problem section should clearly address that there is a need for what you’re proposing. The important thing, though, is that the action you’re proposing needs to be clear from the beginning of the proposal and the solution section should be focusing on this. Keep Anderson’s idea of being “reader-centered” in mind. I think, then, that the first half will need the most reworking in order to make it fit in with the second half. Let me know if you have any questions as you continue working on the project.


Here is the instruction and requirements about the project:


For the final project, you will work in groups to create a long proposal report. In groups, then, you will identify a problem/issue/need and propose a solution/action. In order to write an effective proposal, you’ll also need to address feasibility, cost, process, etc.

Proposals can be necessary for you to persuade a reader or stakeholder that you have a viable solution to address a need or problem. For instance, if you saw a need for additional security measures at Miami University, you could make a proposal that (after establishing the need/problem) details what measures might be taken to address the problem, how the solution might be implemented, and what it could cost. Similarly, you might be aware of problems or issues in your own workplaces or professions and could present your solution to such a problem. The more knowledge you gain about the context in which your proposal would be implemented, the more effective it will be. (See Anderson Chapter 23). You will need to consider what is at stake, who the stakeholders are, who has authority/power to implement changes, who your target audience might be for your proposal, etc.

The closer you are to the possible problem/issue, the more effective your proposal will be. For instance, if you’re aware of issues/problems at your workplace, your school, your local community, or an organization you’re involved in (or have been in the past), you will have better knowledge of the context and so might better understand what solutions might actually work and how they might be implemented. In contrast, larger problems of national or international importance, such as current political issues or a humanitarian crisis, are likely too big or complex to effectively address for this project.

It will be up to your group to decide what the topic of your proposal will be. You will need to take some time to generate possible ideas and discuss them so that your group can agree on a topic. Since this is a group project, it is essential that each member of the group participate in each step of the process and that everyone’s role and expectations are agreed upon so that the work is divided fairly.


  • Length: 2,800-4,000 words (not including the references/works cited)
  • Incorporates credible and various kinds of research (at least 5 sources); this can include your own research such as a survey or interview.
  • Follows clear conventions of a long report, including relevant sections and headings, professional tone/voice, and organized information. (Including title page, table of contents, abstract, works cited, etc.)
  • Have relevant graphics/images, such as tables, screenshots, photographs, etc.
  • Follows a consistent and helpful documentation style – MLA or APA.
  • Presents a clear purpose that is well-connected to the other composing choices made for the project.
  • Provides context, information and support in ways that are useful to a specific audience.
  • Presents writing that is free of error, well-organized, and comprehensible by the intended target audience.

Project Steps

In order for your proposal to be effective, you might follow the following steps:

  • Identify a problem/issue that your group will propose a solution to
  • Research concerning that problem in its setting. (This may involve observations, interviews, or other field work)
  • Research textual sources concerning that issue. This can help you better understand the issue/problem, as well as possible solutions that have been tried for similar circumstances
  • Determine possible solutions to the problem/issue
  • Determine and research how your proposal might be feasibly implemented. (Is it a reasonable proposal? What would it cost? Who has the power to implement the plan? How do you justify your proposal? How is it better than other solutions? Etc.)
  • Draft your paper, peer review, revision

Possible Outline

In drafting your paper you might consider this as a possible structure:

  • Introduction – in which you briefly state what the report is about and its purpose
  • Problem – in which you explain and review the problem/issue, including why it is important and why a solution is needed
  • Solution – in which you describe and explain what you are proposing as a solution to the problem, and how it will be effective in addressing the problem
  • Costs & Implementation – in which you detail what your solution would cost and how it would be implemented
  • Conclusion – in which you reemphasize the importance of the problem and why your proposal is a good one

**You should also consult Chapter 23 of Anderson’s textbook for more details about structuring a proposal.

Criteria Summary

A successful Proposal will

  • Clearly describe the problem/issue of importance
  • Clearly articulate your main argument (your proposal)
  • Give a detailed explanation and plan of your proposal, demonstrating that it has been thought through carefully
  • Adequately justify why this proposal is a good solution
  • Give a plan of implementation, which might include the procedural steps, the cost, who would make the changes, etc.
  • Effectively incorporate appropriate and useful images, such as tables, charts, or photographs
  • Be well-organized with appropriate headings and forecasting and topic statements
  • Use appropriate formal tone and style
  • Follow standard conventions for spelling, punctuation, and grammar
  • Follow MLA or APA conventions for formatting and citations

Group Work Notes

You can divide the work any way you want as a group. In workplaces, the important part of group work is that the group, not individuals, is able to deliver on a successful product; employers care less about inter-group dynamics and more about the results. Therefore, you will be graded as a group for this project.

However, I understand that some students do more work than others. The grade for this assignment will be divided into three parts:

  • 65% for the whole group project
  • 20% for effort/quality of your section of work
  • 15% for the Memo Report (See the instructions below for this)

Once the project is complete, I will ask you to write a Memo Report where you assess your own and each member’s work, suggest a grade for each members’ contribution, and rationalize grades with specific examples. If a member does not do their part to contribute to the group, you can address this in the report. The memo will not be shared with anyone else.


Here is the requirements about the assessment part.

Memo Report: Self and Group


This assignment should be completed by individual students after the Final Report has been submitted.

Effective group work can be difficult, but it is something that industries continuously tell colleges that they want to see their future employers be able to do well. Group work is beneficial, also, because it offers a way to converge multiple perspectives for correcting one’s blind-spots, for increasing creativity, and for editing errors. If delegated well, group work can decrease work for all members while resulting in a high quality product.

However, group work can be difficult when one or two members fail to do their part in contributing to the group. Therefore, this individual memo report helps me assess your own work and each member’s contribution to the group.

Assignment Parameters

Create a 2 to 3 page memo report that covers the prompts below. Please refer to Anderson’s textbook for a sample of a memo report and how to correctly format one. You can address the report to me, your instructor. Use specific examples to support your claims. General statements may not be seen as credible; detailed examples are more believable and help support your arguments.

Part One: Self-Assessment

  1. Describe your role in your group. What was your task? What did you contribute? Provide specific examples that I may be able to reference in the final draft.
  2. What were some of the weaknesses or obstacles that you came across in the project? How did you try to resolve these issues?
  3. What did you do well and want to highlight in this report?
  4. What were some of the most important concepts you learned from completing this assignment?
  5. What did you struggle with and may need to continue to develop?
  6. Is there anything else you would want me to know about your performance for this assignment?

Part Two: Group Assessment

  1. Provide an overview of the roles and tasks for every other member in your group, highlighting what each member did well and what they may need to improve on.
  2. As a group what did you do well together and what could be improved upon?
  3. What were the major obstacles, if there were any? How did the group address the obstacles?
  4. This is an optional prompt: if you can give a grade to each of your group members, what would they get and why?

*This report will not be shared with anyone else.

Memo Criteria

  • The report responded to the prompts clearly and comprehensively. I was able to understand your role and your peers’ role in contributing to the group assignment.
  • The report provided clear examples that supports claims and argument in credible ways.
  • The format of the report follows the general conventions of a memo report.

The writing is precise, error-free and the ideas are easy to follow.

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