powerpoint presentation signs of positive change healthy food for low income families

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My presentation will focus on effect of St. Mary’s Food Bank in low income families healthy food especially the children’s programs

•Research a project currently being implemented by an individual/group/organization to address an issue with a nutrition or health impact studied in class. The featured project may be local, regional, national or global in scope. An organization may oversee several projects that apply to class and a brief overview of these projects may be listed as part of the assignment but one project should be chosen as the focus of this work and your class presentation.

Prepare 6 NARRATED Power Point slides with the following content:

1. Picture of person, project, logo, etc. to introduce the subject of your presentation.

2. Nutrition/food issue AND specific population targeted by this project.

3. Overview of project including mission, goals and implementation of project.

4. Why you chose this as a sign of positive change.

5. Your choice…something related to this project you think your classmates should know about or something that was particularly inspiring about the work being done.

6. Contact info for person, group or organization including links to websites and related resources.

7. NARRATED Power Point presentation required.

Example is provided.

I couldn’t provide the narrated powerpoint file is too big

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