Research NC VA program, law homework help

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For this assignment, search the Internet to find results from a state crime victim survey that includes a description of the methodology used to conduct the survey. Next, visit the NCVS Key Facts at a Glance page (linked in the Resources) as a starting point for a basis of comparison to what many states are now doing. Then, respond to the following:

  1. Explain the results from the state crime victim survey you selected, including a description of the methodology used to conduct the survey.
  2. Analyze a similar crime victim survey conducted at the national level, using the NCVS.
  3. Differentiate your selected state’s crime victim survey method with some of the techniques used to collect data under the NCVS program.
  4. Explore the advantages associated with measuring crime through the use of a national victimization survey as compared to official crime reports.
  5. Distinguish the NCVS survey and the state survey you selected as they relate to how crime is measured specific to the nature and extent of crime, regardless of reporting.

  • Required page count: 3 not including the cover page or the references page.

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