Writing and Research 101, Descriptive Essay

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Assignment 1: Descriptive Essay

Purpose: For this assignment you will write about a moment you experienced a turning point in your life. This moment may be grand or simple, but it will illustrate a shift in your perspective. You must limit your description of the experience to a maximum of one day—background information, as well as future results will be limited if not absent. Please use the essays read in class as a guide. You will pay close attention to audience while employing the writing conventions covered in class including sensory detail, showing, not telling, and elements of creative non-fiction.

Descriptive Essay: (4-5 pages, 12-pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced). Write a descriptive narrative about a single day that change the way you see the world. Be sure to include the following:

  • Sensory Details: Include details that helps your reader experience the day with you. Appeal to all five senses of your audience (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell). Use clear and precise language.
  • Figurative Language: Use metaphor and imagery to help construct the scene. This type of language helps the reader make connections and associations to other familiar experiences.
  • Dominant Impression: All stories have a point. Select details and descriptions that help your audience see what you want them to see, feel what you want them to feel. You will need to unify your descriptions so your audience will come away with a singular experience.
  • Careful Organization: Craft your essay with an order that is easy to follow. This can be chronological (time) or spatial (location). Organization can also help emphasize your dominant impression.

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