Data Collection and Evaluation Measure Scores

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Summary Research Paper: (Use attached document and Complete it with below)

The length of the Executive Summary must be less than ten double-spaced typewritten pages, excluding tables or figures. With the exception of the Conclusions section, the audience is the same as for the interim presentation. Address the Conclusions section to a less technical audience, as discussed below.

You must use the following table of contents for the written report and label each section:

  • Problem Background
  • Problem Statement: The same as the corresponding section in the interim report, except for any updates or changes.
  • Objective(s) The same as the corresponding section in the interim report, except for any updates or changes.
  • Decision Alternatives: The same as the corresponding section in the interim report, except for any updates or changes.
  • Data Collection and Evaluation Measure Scores: Similar to the corresponding section in the interim presentation, except for any updates or changes. Provide references for data sources (where did you get your information from), including interviews with experts, in standard bibliography style.
  • Value Calculations, Scenarios and Analysis: Present the value calculations/analysis for the alternatives for each scenario. Briefly describe how these computations were done, but you do not have to present the actual computations. Include the spreadsheet/chart for your analysis as an appendix to your report. Conduct and present a systematic analysis (what you measured and how).
  • Conclusions: Present your recommendation based on the analysis in the preceding sections, including a qualitative discussion of the reasons the preferred alternative is best. The goal of this section is that someone who does not understand the details of decision analysis methods will find your Conclusions section to be a convincing argument for the preferred alternative. That is, the analysis should not be a mysterious procedure, but rather a way of developing insight about the key factors in the decision and how these lead to selection of the preferred alternative.

PowerPoint Presentation: Prepare PowerPoint for your Executive summary paper by highlight the main points of your summary.

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