Homework #4: Conducting a Life History Interview (Angrosino, Conducting a Life History Interview 2007)

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Homework #4:Conducting a Life History Interview (Angrosino, Conducting a Life History Interview 2007)– Using the guidelines in chapter three, conduct a life history interview with an adult woman of your acquaintance (not a close friend or family member!). To guide this research, ask them about their life experience with gender as a part of their work experience. The overall research question is: “How has your gender affected your work experience?” Some more specific questions should include the following:

What jobs have you had over the course of your life?

At each job, can you tell me what your general duties included?

At each job, can you tell me what position you held and if you were a supervisor to other people?

At each job, can you tell me if you had a supervisor of a different gender than yourself and what that experience was like?

What was the best job that you ever held?

Was your gender a factor in any of the jobs that you held?

  • Life history interviews MUST include an indexed analysis of the interview, as described in the project description and MUST include an informed consent document, as described in the project description

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