Planning and Staffing week 5-2

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Please demonstrate critical thinking abilities. No fewer than 250 words for post. Do not summarize the post and/or course concept(s), but perhaps comment on concepts directly applicable to your workplace.

For this response, should outside sources be used to support the content within the postings, proper in-text citations and correctly formatted references should be prepared consistent with the APA (6th edition). The list of references should be physically positioned at the end of the postings.

1. What are the advantages of a structured interview?

The advantages of a structured interview are:

-higher degree of legal defensibility

-selection of higher quality candidates based on strength of relationship (validity) of the interview to later performance on the job.

Research cited by Development Dimensions International retrieved in 2012, indicates that structured interviews have a higher validity than unstructured interviews, meta-analysis indicates structured interviews validity, using performance as the criterion, is .44. For behavioral based interviewing, using supervisor performance rating as the criterion, validity goes up to .61. (2012).Why are managers more inclined to use unstructured interviews than structured interviews? Research indicates they are less inclined although structured interviews yield better selection decisions (2002).

Bakker, Bakker, & van der Zee conducted research to help explain why managers are less inclined to use unstructured interviews. Some theorized reasons are: practitioners could be unaware of the research supporting structured interviews, the need for interviewer autonomy and need for power may be frustrated with structured interviews. In addition, recruitment, social pressures, culture, and budget constraints all may hinder the attempts to use structured interviews (2002).

The research gave managers a high and low structured case, asked questions regarding the case to determine what factors influenced the managers’ choice to use low structure interviews over high structure interviews. They found that underlying beliefs affected managers’ attitude toward the level of structure. The belief about success rate and candidates’ capabilities was higher for the unstructured method over the structured method (2002). Perhaps if the positive advantages of structured interviews are communicated more clearly, this may help change managers’ attitudes. They also found that belief-based norms, like opinions of other people of “importance” in the organization contribute to less approval for structured interview (2002). Perhaps a widespread change in attitude or culture toward high structure interviews will help change attitudes. An implication here is that training HR only about the advantages of structured interviews may not change any attitudes.

Bakker, A.B., Bakker, P., & van der Zee, K. (2002). Why are Structured Interviews so Rarely Used in Personnel Selection?. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 1., 176-185. Retrieved from:…

author unknown, Selection: The Validity of Behaviorally Based Interviews, Development Dimensions International. Retrieved 2012.


Please demonstrate critical thinking abilities. No fewer than 250 words for post. Do not summarize the post and/or course concept(s), but perhaps comment on concepts directly applicable to your workplace.

For this response, should outside sources be used to support the content within the postings, proper in-text citations and correctly formatted references should be prepared consistent with the APA (6th edition). The list of references should be physically positioned at the end of the postings.

2. What are the advantages of a structured interview?

When conducting a structured interview, job relevant information is collected using a discipline method. Job analysis is a key characteristic to identify differentiation of the candidates’ knowledge, skills, attitude, and behavior of high performers. Another characteristic is to have trained interviewers that know how to capture notes about the candidate with altering or twisting the his or her statement, and evaluate the response in a systematic way. There is standardization in quality selection decisions due to the way information is recorded, gathered, and evaluated. Other characteristics are consistency in asking the same behavior based question of all applicants, and use numerous KSA scoring scales for behavioral examples (Gatewood, Field, & Barrick, 2011).

Very important advantages to structured interviews is the adaptability of the interviewer. The interviewers’ flexibility to the applicants’ response to the questions vary to gather follow up thoughts of ones’ ideas or feelings behind his or her response. Clarity and expansion to questions on the spot leaves less room for ambiguity. There is high reliability in using structured questionnaires that are validates; proven and used in past interview processes (Portsmouth, 2010). Below are the advantages to structured interviews:

◦Can reach a large sample

◦A representative sample is possible and results can be used to make statements

◦Questions are structured and asked in the same way so that respondents answers can be more easily evaluated

◦Can do face-to-face interviews where electronic recordings are not possible

◦Can ensure questions are fully understood (Portsmouth, 2010)


Gatewood, R., Field, H. S., & Barrick, M. (2011). Human Resource Selection, 7e. Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Portsmouth, U. o. (2010). Primary Data Collection – Interviews. Retrieved from Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Interview Structure:…

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