Leadership strategies to accommodate change in local government setting”.

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Class Project: Research Paper

Learning Activities:

Review the following chapters in preparation to research your topic:

Chapters 7, Managing Change and disruptive innovation

Chapter 9, Managing Strategies

Chapter 17, being an effective leader


You are to write a 6 page research paper on  the topic” “Leadership strategies to accommodate change in local government setting”. (US Virgin Islands)

Written Assignments

All assignments are to be completed at scholarly level. This means that if you’re submitting a paper, a standard 6th edition APA format is required. Please see sample paper for examples or visit http://www.apa.org/

The assignments must be in typewritten form.The assignment should have a cover sheet providing your full name, student number, your lecturer’s name and the topic of the assignment.

Your analysis should unfold systematically from an introduction, through the particular sub-topics to a conclusion containing your findings. Make use of headings, sub-headings and, if preferred, a point-numbering system.Your assignment should reflect the highest standard of writing.Where you use material from any source, you must provide reference to the specific quote and all sources consulted must be listed in a bibliography at the end of your assignment.

Late assignments are not accepted unless prior extension has been granted.An extension will only be granted on the basis of medical and other special circumstances which must be applied for in writing.

Use the following outline:

  • Abstract- say why you think this subject is important
  • Introduction- introduce your topic and say what you intend to accomplish
  • Method – how will you obtain the information. Will you interview other students, government workers,family members who work in government
  • Literatures review-In this section you will review current literature on any subject on organizational change and strategic leadership.You should have at least 5 peer review journals , text books, online sources etc.

5.External forces for change: Research the following topics as they relate to change.

  • Changing consumer needs and wants
  • new government laws
  • changing technology
  • economic changes

6.Internal forces for change: research the following topics as they relates to change

  • New organizational strategy
  • Change in composition of work force
  • New equipment
  • Changing employee attitudes

7.Leadership theories

  • Charismatic leadership
  • Transformational Leadership
  • Visionary leadership

8.Discussions of your findings


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