Watch the movie “The Race for the Double Helix” starring Jeff Goldblum. Simply do a Google search: race for the double helix movie. Go to videos, there is a website called The Daily Motion. The movie

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Watch the movie “The Race for the Double Helix” starring Jeff Goldblum.Simply do a Google search: race for the double helix movie. Go to videos, there is a website called The Daily Motion. The movie is in 2 parts and is roughly 100 minutes long.Write a paper, 1 to 2 pages about what you thought concerning how the structure of DNA was discovered.Do you agree or disagree how everything was treated concerning how the discovery was done?If you disagree, what do you think should’ve gone differently?THIS WILL NOT BE UP FOR DEBATEThis is simply to illustrate how science and research works in the real world.

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