Discussion: Man-Dominated Economy? Women Leading in a Man-Dominated Economy: Is the U.S. economy man-dominated? Give reasons to explain your answer. Discuss the role and impact of women leaders in an

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Discussion: Man-Dominated Economy?

Women Leading in a Man-Dominated Economy:  Is the U.S. economy man-dominated? Give reasons to explain your answer. Discuss the role and impact of women leaders in an economy dominated by men.


Goudreau, J. (2012, March). Twenty surprising jobs women are taking over. Forbes. http://www.forbes.com/sites/jennagoudreau/2011/03/07/20-surprising-jobs-women-are-taking-over/

Kanchana, T. K. (2011, December). Women in leadership roles. The Financial Express. http://www.financialexpress.com/news/women-in-leadership-roles/889332

Silliker, A. (2011). Women in leadership a “business imperative.” Canadian HR Reporter, 24(10), 10–12.

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