600 word current event article on global warming

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When you work on your current events article, I suggest reading through the information provided below on available library resources for selection of your current events article. I would like for everyone to work on finding articles that are scholarly in nature and not from general websites. For example, the website sciencedaily.com is a popular choice; however, this website does not contain articles. The website only posts news stories on recent published articles. As a reminder, you need to prepare an original 600 word summary on your selected article for modules 1-6 (new article each module).

  • Online Databases and Indexes to Journals: Contain abstracts and full text for articles from peer reviewed journals, non-peer reviewed journals, magazines and newspapers.
  • Electronic Resources: Includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, manuals, etc. that are searchable and readable online.
  • Selected Websites: These websites have been recommended by Saint Leo faculty and librarians.
  • Print Resources: Includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, manuals, handbooks, almanacs, atlases, directories, etc. (Located in the Cannon Memorial Library/University Campus)
  • Print Periodicals: A listing of print (hard copy) periodicals and journals that the library subscribes to. (Located in the Cannon Memorial Library/University Campus)

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