I don’t know how to complete the assignment or answer the questions and my professor isn’t helping

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I don’t know how to complete the assignment or answer the questions, and my professor isn’t helping. And I am currently broke so I can’t pay money for it. I know all the tutors are on here for money, but I hope someone can help me without payment. I know it is a lot to ask; I am in a tight spot right now especially when it, comes to money.

I don’t know how to complete the assignment or answer the questions and my professor isn’t helping
AGN370 Forages Name: Forage/Grazing Stick Estimates In this exercise you will estimate the quantity of forage available in a paddock. Use your textbook and notes to make your decisions. Carrington You want to renovate this pasture to a novel endophyte tall fescue + legume pasture. Explain what you will need and describe your goals. See attached soil test results. To renovate the pasture you must destroy the existing stand, figure out forages for spring and fall seedings, also prevent seedhead production with the existing infected stand of toxic endophyte. Field size estimate: ___________________ ft2 ÷ _________ft2/A = _____ acres Field limitations or problems? (e.g. slope, wet areas, etc.). What are your recommended (see Southern Forages, table 12.1): Seeding rate Seeding date Seed bed preparation Amendments (one time vs annual?) Anticipated problems/solutions Use the formula below to estimate the number of days you could graze four 600 lb steers (i.e. “stockers”) on this paddock. Assume you have 8 pastures (paddocks) of similar productivity. Days = Total lbs Forage/Ac x Ac x % Grazing Efficiency Avg animal Wt. x intake rate in % Body Wt. x animal number NRCS/Missouri Forage and Grasslands Council Grazing Stick Formulas: Days on paddock = Total lbs Forage/Ac X Ac X % Grazing Efficiency Animal Wt. X intake rate in % Body Wt. X animal number Animal Number = Total lbs forage/Ac X Ac X % Grazing Efficiency Animal Wt. X Intake rate in % Body Wt. X days Data: Grazing Efficiency (%) Continuous 30% 4 pasture 35 8 pasture 50 12 pasture 65 24+ pasture 75 Forage dry matter intake rate in % of Body Weight Dry Cow 2 Lactating Cow 3-4 Dairy Cow 2.5-3.5 + grain Beef Stocker 2.5-3.5 Horse 2-3 + grain Sheep 3.5-4 Estimated dry matter in pounds per inch of plant height Stand Condition Fair (<75% cover) Good (75-90% cover) Excellent (>90% cover) Bermudagrass 100-250 250-400 400-550 Caucasian bluestem 100-200 200-300 300-400 Native Warm Season 50-100 100-200 200-300 Tall fescue + N 150-250 250-350 350-450 Tall fescue + legumes 100-200 200-300 300-400 Red clover or Alfalfa 150-200 200-250 250-300 Orchardgrass + legumes 100-200 200-300 300-400 Mixed pasture 150-250 250-350 350-450

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