To open or download the instructions for Assignment 4: Personal Development Gameplan Click here.Download the Assignment 4 worksheet and save it to your computer. Follow the directions on the worksheet

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To open or download the instructions for Assignment 4: Personal Development Gameplan Click here.Download the Assignment 4 worksheet and save it to your computer. Follow the directions on the worksheet. Once you have completed this activity, use the submission link to turn in your assignment.To download the Sample Action Plan make sure to Click here .This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).​

To open or download the instructions for Assignment 4: Personal Development Gameplan Click here.Download the Assignment 4 worksheet and save it to your computer. Follow the directions on the worksheet
Assignment 4: Personal Development Game Plan Due Week 10 and worth 175 points. “As you develop a game plan for your life, you must start by seeing yourself for who you really are.” – Coach Gibbs Introduction When asked about the secret to his success, Coach often stresses the importance of following a good game plan. A game plan helps you focus on your purpose and goals so that you can be sure you stay on track. Throughout this course, you have been working to identify some of the individual components of your own game plan for success. In this assignment, you will combine everything you’ve learned about your values, passions, strengths, personality, leadership style, purpose, and goals to create your very own Personal Development Game Plan. Instructions Step 1: Download the Personal Development Game Plan Worksheet and save it to your computer. Step 2: Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete your Personal Development Game Plan. Step 3: Save your assignment as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR100_A4. Step 4: Submit your assignment using the Week 10 assignment link in Blackboard. Formatting This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Course Connections While completing this assignment, be sure to connect your responses to the course content you’ve learned so far. You should use specific phrases, ideas, and quotes from the Strayer videos, Coach’s Huddle, weekly readings, and/or discussion questions to explain and support your thoughts. Wait! Before you submit your assignment, did you… Review the scoring? The scoring guide will give you a clear understanding of the assignment expectations. If you are unclear on what is expected of you, please reach out to your instructor for support. Check your assignment for grammatical errors? Review your answers for clarity? Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions? Scoring Guide Assignment 4: Personal Development Game Plan Criteria Unacceptable Below 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. All sections of Personal Development Game Plan (Game Plan) completed. Weight: 30% No sections of the Game Plan have been completed. 1-3 sections of the Game Plan have been completed. 4-5 sections of the Game Plan have been completed. 6-7 sections of the Game Plan have been completed. All sections of the Game Plan have been completed. 2. Provides thoughtful responses in each section of the Game Plan. Weight: 30% Does not provide responses in any section of the Game Plan. Does not show a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment. Provides insufficient responses in each section of the Game Plan. Does not show a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment. Provides satisfactory responses in each section of the Game Plan. Shows a general understanding of the overall goal of the assignment. Provides proficient responses in each section of the Game Plan. Shows a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment. Provides thorough responses in each section of the Game Plan. Shows a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment. 3. Provides a summary that includes three (3) takeaways and how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life. Weight: 35% Does not summarize any takeaways. Summarizes only one (1) takeaway and explains how you will apply it to your personal and/or professional life. Only summarizes two (2) takeaways and explains how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life. Proficiently summarizes three (3) takeaways and proficiently explains how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life. Thoroughly summarizes three (3) takeaways and thoroughly explains how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life. 4. Write in a professional manner using proper grammar and spelling. Weight: 5% Writing does not meet minimal standards. Tone is not professional. Wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. Contains many spelling and/or grammatical errors. Writing meets minimal standards. Tone is not professional. Lacks one or more of logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. May contain more than 4 spelling and/or grammatical errors. Writing is satisfactory. Tone is somewhat professional. Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. May contain 2-4 spelling and/or grammatical errors Writing is mostly good. Tone is professional. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. May contain few or no spelling and/or grammatical errors. Writing is excellent. Tone is professional and sophisticated. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. Contains no spelling or grammatical errors. 3
To open or download the instructions for Assignment 4: Personal Development Gameplan Click here.Download the Assignment 4 worksheet and save it to your computer. Follow the directions on the worksheet
JGR100 Finding Your Leadership Purpose Personal Development Game Plan Name Strayer University Date Values “Live consistently according to your moral values. People will respect you for it.” – Coach Gibbs Instructions: This assignment is 9 pages in length including the title page. Please remember to complete all 9 pages of this assignment. Establishing clear values is important when deciding how to live and lead effectively. Using your responses from Assignment 1, identify your top three (3) values and explain why they are important to you. List your top three (3) values: Value 1: Value 2: Value 3: Using 50-100 words, explain why each value is important to you. Value 1 is important to me because… Value 2 is important to me because… Value 3 is important to me because… Passions “If you aren’t passionate about what you are doing…You ought to find another career—something that cranks your motor, something you can pour your life into and enjoy it.” -Coach Gibbs Instructions: Your passion is the fuel or energy that keeps you going and keeps you filled with meaning, happiness, and excitement, as you pursue your goals in life. Complete the table by identifying five (5) things that you are passionate about, along with a brief description of each passion. Include 1-2 careers that you feel are in alignment with each passion you list. Passion Description Career Match Ex: Mentoring kids in my neighborhood. This provides happiness and fulfillment for me because I know that I am using my personal experience to make a positive influence on the youth around me. By mentoring the youth, I hope that I am creating a positive impact on our future, as a whole. Teacher or Social Worker 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Strengths and Personality “The key is to find out where our people’s gifts, talents, and abilities lie and then help them use their gifts for the common good.” -Coach Gibbs Instructions: Joe Gibbs has a talent for identifying his athlete’s and employee’s strengths and personalities and setting them up for success. He knows that understanding your personality can tell you a lot about how you work with other people and the situations where you excel.. Complete the table below using your personality results from the DiSC report in Assignment 2. DiSC STYLE: ___________(insert style here ex: D, i, S, SC, etc.) DiSC Profile Results Priorities Motivators Stressors Strengths in Delegating Challenges in Delegating Based on your results in the “Challenges in Delegating” section of your DiSC report, choose one of your challenges and describe how you might work to improve this over time. Using approximately 100 words, explain your response in the space below. Leadership Style “One of the first secrets to successful leadership is to learn all you can from your mentors…but develop a leadership style that works for you. Be yourself!” -Coach Gibbs Instructions: Understanding your leadership style can help you pinpoint the leadership techniques that come naturally to you and also the ones you need to work on to achieve your leadership goals. Describe your top two (2) preferred leadership styles and explain how they are both related to your personality and strengths. (Use your responses from Assignment #3 to complete this portion of the Game Plan.) Leadership Style #1: Type style here Description of style (50-100 words): Explanation of how my style aligns to my strengths and personality (100 words): Leadership Style #2: Type style here Description of style (50-100 words): Explanation of how my style aligns to my strengths and personality (100 words): Purpose Statement “So, what will your life look like when it is full of purpose and on target?” – Coach Gibbs Instructions: In Week 2, you created a draft of your Personal Purpose Statement based on what you learned about what it means to have a purpose in life. Revise this original purpose statement using any additional insights that you have gained from this course. Once you’ve collected and analyzed all of your personal data and experiences, write your “final” Purpose Statement in the first space below. Your Purpose Statement should be 1-2 sentences. My Purpose Statement Using approximately 100 words, explain why you feel this is your purpose: Congratulations! You have your purpose statement! You’re ready to tackle your personal and professional life with focus and a vision for success. Now it’s time to establish your goals and action plan. Continue your work to write your goals and action plan in the next section and finalize how you will apply it! Goals and Action Plan “You must define your goals. You must also regularly evaluate your goals and be willing to revise them when necessary.” -Coach Gibbs Instructions: Goal setting is crucial because it helps keep you focused and motivated, giving you a sense of control over your career, your life, etc. Complete the Action Plan below. Use the Sample Action Plan as a guide to help you develop your Action Plan. Use the career SMART goal from your Journal #2 for this Action Plan. Action Plan Purpose (Write your new purpose statement here.) Goal: (Write your career SMART goal here.) Milestone 1 (Identify a milestone (short-term goal) that you plan to accomplish along the way to achieving your SMART goal.) Identify the barriers to achieving your SMART goal (Identify any possible/anticipated barriers that might throw you off track. Consider how your personality and strengths can help you here.) Identify 1-2 Strategies to deal with barriers (Note: Consider how your personality and strengths can help you here.) Identify people who will be impacted and/or affected by your SMART goal (Identify the person/people that may be impacted by this goal.) Identify a deadline (Identify the deadline you’ve set for yourself to complete the goal!) Summary: Putting Your Purpose Into Practice Using approximately 250 words, describe three (3) main takeaways (key facts, points, or ideas) from this course. How will you apply these takeaways to your personal and/or professional life in the future? Record your response in the space provided below. Congratulations! Completing this game plan is a major milestone on your educational journey! You shouldn’t think of this as just another assignment. Instead, this game plan is something you should hold onto and be ready to put to use as you move forward with Joe Gibbs and his team. You’re well on your way to achieving your goals and your purpose.
To open or download the instructions for Assignment 4: Personal Development Gameplan Click here.Download the Assignment 4 worksheet and save it to your computer. Follow the directions on the worksheet
Assignment 4: Personal Development Game Plan Due Week 10 and worth 175 points. “As you develop a game plan for your life, you must start by seeing yourself for who you really are.” – Coach Gibbs Introduction When asked about the secret to his success, Coach often stresses the importance of following a good game plan. A game plan helps you focus on your purpose and goals so that you can be sure you stay on track. Throughout this course, you have been working to identify some of the individual components of your own game plan for success. In this assignment, you will combine everything you’ve learned about your values, passions, strengths, personality, leadership style, purpose, and goals to create your very own Personal Development Game Plan. Instructions Step 1: Download the Personal Development Game Plan Worksheet and save it to your computer. Step 2: Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete your Personal Development Game Plan. Step 3: Save your assignment as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR100_A4. Step 4: Submit your assignment using the Week 10 assignment link in Blackboard. Formatting This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Course Connections While completing this assignment, be sure to connect your responses to the course content you’ve learned so far. You should use specific phrases, ideas, and quotes from the Strayer videos, Coach’s Huddle, weekly readings, and/or discussion questions to explain and support your thoughts. Wait! Before you submit your assignment, did you… Review the scoring? The scoring guide will give you a clear understanding of the assignment expectations. If you are unclear on what is expected of you, please reach out to your instructor for support. Check your assignment for grammatical errors? Review your answers for clarity? Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions? Scoring Guide Assignment 4: Personal Development Game Plan Criteria Unacceptable Below 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. All sections of Personal Development Game Plan (Game Plan) completed. Weight: 30% No sections of the Game Plan have been completed. 1-3 sections of the Game Plan have been completed. 4-5 sections of the Game Plan have been completed. 6-7 sections of the Game Plan have been completed. All sections of the Game Plan have been completed. 2. Provides thoughtful responses in each section of the Game Plan. Weight: 30% Does not provide responses in any section of the Game Plan. Does not show a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment. Provides insufficient responses in each section of the Game Plan. Does not show a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment. Provides satisfactory responses in each section of the Game Plan. Shows a general understanding of the overall goal of the assignment. Provides proficient responses in each section of the Game Plan. Shows a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment. Provides thorough responses in each section of the Game Plan. Shows a thorough understanding of the overall goal of the assignment. 3. Provides a summary that includes three (3) takeaways and how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life. Weight: 35% Does not summarize any takeaways. Summarizes only one (1) takeaway and explains how you will apply it to your personal and/or professional life. Only summarizes two (2) takeaways and explains how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life. Proficiently summarizes three (3) takeaways and proficiently explains how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life. Thoroughly summarizes three (3) takeaways and thoroughly explains how you will apply them to your personal and/or professional life. 4. Write in a professional manner using proper grammar and spelling. Weight: 5% Writing does not meet minimal standards. Tone is not professional. Wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. Contains many spelling and/or grammatical errors. Writing meets minimal standards. Tone is not professional. Lacks one or more of logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. May contain more than 4 spelling and/or grammatical errors. Writing is satisfactory. Tone is somewhat professional. Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. May contain 2-4 spelling and/or grammatical errors Writing is mostly good. Tone is professional. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. May contain few or no spelling and/or grammatical errors. Writing is excellent. Tone is professional and sophisticated. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. Contains no spelling or grammatical errors. 3

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