​Enterprise Architecture the development of EA Management Plan: essay, summary, and presentation.

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Enterprise Architecture the development of EA Management Plan.

A. Provide a min 10 pages essay to describe EA the development of Management Plan. The essay shall capture the information below and answer questions. Provide sample of a company that use EA management plan for the essay and to answer the questions, that’s not have to be in order. Provide a list of references used (using APA or MLA style references) this shall no be part of the min 10 page essay.

B. Add 2 page summary of what is EA Management Plan. The 2-page summary shall be TNR 12p font, single spaced.

C. In addition to the min10 page essay and to the 2 page summary provide an power point outline to be use to present the topic EA Management Plan. This outline is to be use in a 45 minute presentation (including discussion and exercise) and shall capture the key points of the EA Management Plan and the questions.

The essay, summary and presentation shall discuss the development of an EA Management Plan, which is the document that describes how an enterprise will manage the transition of its current processes and resources to those which will be needed in the future. The transition from the current EA to the future EA is an ongoing activity, as new resources are implemented and therefore become part of the current EA. The purpose of configuration management and version control are also discussed, along with the need to provide a sequence for implementation projects. Key points: Understand the purpose of an EA Management Plan. Understand the types of content that go into an EA Management Plan. Understand the purpose of summaries of the current and future architecture.

Provide a description of the purpose, format, and content of an EA Management Plan. The Plan shall describe the EA management process, implementation methodology, and documentation framework, as well as summaries of current and future views of the EA. Describe how the EA management plan is a living document that is updated at regular intervals to provide clear version control for changes in current and future views of EA components and artifacts at each level of the framework. Describe how EA Management Plan should be archive in the on-line EA repository to support easy access to the information and promote linkage of the EA program to other IT management processes.

1. What is the purpose of an EA Management Plan?

2. What is an EA Change Request and how is it used within the Configuration Management process?

3. What is the purpose of the Sequencing Plan?

4. What is the role of a Chief Information Officer in the EA program?

5. What is the role of a Chief Architect in the EA program

6. How do technical and product standards contribute to the EA program?

7. Why are standardized terms important to an EA program?

8. What are summaries of current and future views an important part of the EA Management Plan? Who is the intended audience of the EA Management Plan?

9. How can an EA Management Plan show “gaps” in enterprise performance?

10. Develop a flow chart for EA governance in a public or private sector enterprise. Show where policy development and decision-making occur, as well as interfaces to other management processes, including capital planning, project management, and security.

11. Develop a Sequencing Plan for the implementation of a major commercial Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) product that has software modules for finance, accounting, payroll and benefits, manufacturing, inventory, and sales. Show how existing stovepipe systems in each of these areas would be replaced by the ERP.

12. Develop an EA Roles and Responsibility Matrix for a public or private sector enterprise of your choice.”

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