Week 3 Final Project Milestone

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Wood, J. T. (2016). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters (8th ed.). Boston,

  • Describe an interpersonal communication situation in which an aspect of verbal communication was reflected in your own life. This situation should be different from the ones you described in the Week 1 and Week 2 milestones.
    • Explain how a concept from this week fits that situation. Apply at least one term from Chapter 4 in your explanation. Note: Choose a term OTHER than “verbal communication.”
    • Explain what you might have done differently to achieve a better outcome, or explain why what you did do produced the best outcome.
  • Describe an interpersonal communication situation or event in which an aspect of nonverbal communication was reflected in your own life. sit
    • Explain how a concept from this week fits that occurrence. Apply at least one term from Chapter 5 in your explanation. Note: Choose a term OTHER than “nonverbal communication.”
    • Explain what you might have done differently to achieve a better outcome, or explain why what you did do produced the best outcome.

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