Difficulties people might face when participating in online dating

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So I’m making a PowerPoint about “Difficulties people might face when participating in online dating,” and I wanna make 5 extra slides beside the ones that I have. However I want 5 short paragraphs and 3-5 bullet points for each paragraph with it’s citations on word, and I want you to make a question from each paragraph.

Until now I have covered these topics,


”the possibility of deception , essentially catfish”

“issues regarding safety”

“how it can affect a person’s self esteem.”


And all I want from you is to do this part “the limitations associated with online dating.”

So to do is:

  • The topic is: “the limitations associated with online dating.”
  • 5 short paragraphs
  • 3-5 bullet points for each paragraph
  • A citation page
  • A question from each paragraph

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