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Observation Skills for Effective Teaching SEVENTH EDITION

Check for access to this book before asking me to assign you the work. Observation Skills for Effective Teaching SEVENTH EDITION
Observation (Lens) Reflection Template Lens # 7: Measuring Student Success ­ Observer: Date: Please reflect on your observation to include your thoughts through this week’s assigned lens. You can indicate whether you observed the following strategies and give a description of what that looked like or what it would look like if these strategies had been used: Establishing unit and lesson content that reflects prior learning Providing mediated feedback to extend and enhance student learning Planning units and lessons at, or slightly above, the learners’ current level of understanding Making transitions to new content in small, east-to-grasp steps Establishing momentum that keeps students engaged in the learning process
Check for access to this book before asking me to assign you the work. Observation Skills for Effective Teaching SEVENTH EDITION
Observation (Lens) Reflection Template Lens # 8: Looking for Higher Thought Processes and Performance Outcomes ­ Observer: Date: Please reflect on your observation to include your thoughts through this week’s assigned lens. You can indicate whether you observed the following strategies and give a description of what that looked like or what it would look like if these strategies had been used: Using collaborative and group activities Demonstrating mental models and strategies Arranging for student projects and demonstrations Engaging students in oral performance Providing opportunities for students to learn from their mistakes Using portfolios and performance assessments
Check for access to this book before asking me to assign you the work. Observation Skills for Effective Teaching SEVENTH EDITION
Observation Skills for Effective Teaching SEVENTH EDITION (Lens 7 Template for this one) Write a lens reflection using the template, as if you were observing a really good teacher in a 4th grade classroom. Write one page on using citations from the text in Chapter 11 for 1-2 pages. The focus of this chapter is Measuring Student Success. As I said she is very organized, and very effective. Teacher name is Mrs. Belanger (Lens 8 Template for this one) Write a lens reflection using the template, as if you were observing a good teacher in a 4th grade classroom. Write one page on using citations from the text in Chapter 12 for 1-2 pages. The focus of this chapter is Looking for Higher Thought processes and performance outcomes. Teacher name is Mrs. Belanger

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