3 questions and answers discussion CREATIVE ORGINAL WORK ONLY NO PLAGIARISM!!! No quotes 100-150 words Use provided sources only More details later

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3 questions and answers discussion



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3 questions and answers discussion CREATIVE ORGINAL WORK ONLY NO PLAGIARISM!!! No quotes 100-150 words Use provided sources only More details later
Part 1 1. “What is the role of performance in reflecting social order and values on the one hand and challenging these and leading to social change on the other? Provide examples of each” from Chapter 15 (Griffith and Marion 2020). Do not use quotes. Paraphrase. Performance – Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 2nd Edition (pressbooks.com) 2. How is gender performed? In what ways were you taught to perform your gender? Do you still adhere to those teachings? Why or why not? https://www.apa.org/pi/aids/youth/sexual-orientation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6eIsrG5SBE Performance – Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 2nd Edition (pressbooks.com) 3. Read the following article “How Social Media Hacks our Brains” at https://www.humanetech.com/brain-science Post a description of how you have experienced (or witnessed) one of the six examples from the reading.

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