Week 1 Assignment Having knowledge of and experience with culturally diverse groups psychology homework help

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Having knowledge of and experience with culturally diverse groups will help you to understand the role culture plays within the context of counseling interactions. The effects of historical events, ideologies, and policies that permeate systems such as education and health care have significantly influenced the experience of various cultural groups.

In this Application Assignment, you explore how the field of counseling has impacted the well-being of culturally diverse populations.

For this Application Assignment, review the Learning Resources. Consider the history of counseling and the intersecting perceptions of counselors and clients, as well as the consequences of those perceptions. Why is an understanding of history important for cultural competence?

The Assignment:

In a 3- to 4-page paper:

  • Explain how the history and theories of counseling have both benefited and oppressed cultural groups.
  • Briefly describe the experience of a specific cultural group to support the points made in your explanation.
  • Explain how one of the following modern controversies, or another of your choice, benefits or oppresses a specific cultural group: IQ debate, standardized testing, history of naming, use of psychotherapy, the deficit model.

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