Research paper two sections Please make sure you follow the guidelines and complete both 1st and…

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Research paper two sections

Please make sure you follow the guidelines and complete both 1st and 2nd. Also please see NOTE (Note: figures and tables need to be used in the body of the research; survey questions, interviews, company reports, etc. can be attached as appendices as applicable).   try to have figures, tables in the paper body. the other tings u can copy into the appendix after refs

I have attached the existing research paper worked till now (which you are familiar with). Main thing is: DO NOT USE BOOKS-Instructors cannot verify those sources (if you must use a book-keep to a minimum-AND scan/copy/paste the actual content and provide it to the instructor. Recommend you use articles from scholarly sources . THIS ASSIGNMENT GOES THROUGH SAFEASSIGN for plagiarism check.   many refs and cite, use articles and given links for full access of them, avoid all sources that cant be fully accessed online Make the lit review 15 full pages. use headings and subheadings Then add the short methodology as required


The Literature Review should be at the very least 15- FULL pages minimum, including literature on methods of implementing the program.
2nd) We will also be writing: Methodology. The Methodology is two paragraphs tying the Literature Review into the Project.

An example of the Methodology is as follows: (This Methodology describes what you plan to do with the findings of the Literature Review.)

The literature reviewed in this study clearly (shows, indicates, etc.) the successful implementation of a _______ program needs to contain _________.
The Project section of this paper describes the implementation of a ——— program to ————- that was designed as a result of this study. The presentation used to describe the implementation to ———- is on display in Appendix A of this paper.

Students may select different approaches to the research (program evaluation, feasibility study, business plan, case study, etc.). Students will describe how you will collect/analyze data, why this method was selected, and a brief description of limitations of the research. Students will provide a clear, concise description of the findings and interpretations (what does it mean-what is the data telling you). Ensure conclusions relate to your problem/topic of research.

(Note: figures and tables need to be used in the body of the research; survey questions, interviews, company reports, etc. can be attached as appendices as applicable).

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