Identifying, analyzing and predicting crises is one of the major challenges of the field of geopolit

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Identifying, analyzing and predicting crises is one of the major challenges of the field of geopolitics. For your individual project, you will be responsible for researching and reporting on a current ongoing geopolitical crisis. First provide an empirical description of the parameters of the crisis. Next, identify the major actors and interests that are involved directly in the crisis. Next, assign blame or responsibility, or general factors that are causing the crisis. Finally, provide predictions or recommendations for solving the crisisCase Study :Refugee/Migrant CrisisFormat/Structure: A typical report on your crisis can be structured this way:(1) Description of the Crisis (General background and history, statistics, dimensions of the crisis)(2) Actors and Interests (Countries, Individuals , Politicians, Corporations)(3) Responsibility for the Crisis (assign blame for who or what global trends are at fault)(4) Predictions/Recommendations (provide a prediction for what will happen next, or generate ideas on how to provide resolution to the crisis)You can consider these links but in case you find better details somewhere else you can use them as well bbc news. (2016, march 4). Retrieved from this website is very usefull as this link tells from where migrants are coming from, where are they going, what are they going through, how do they get to europe etc. this story gives me great information about migrants struggle. DAVIES, G. (2016, november 17). mail online. Retrieved from this story is very usefull as it is telling us why do we have migrants, why people are leaving their countries and moving to europeon union. how they are been tortured in their countries and forced to accept islam and give up their religion DAVIES, G. (2016, november 17). mailonline. Retrieved from this article covers the hardtime migrants are having and how tsome groups are protesting against them and their clashes and migrants are stealing firewroks and attacking offices and officials. this story tells us about their hardtime and their frustration. Mike Berry, I. G.-B. (2015, december). the union refugee agency. Retrieved from this story tells us through how many difficulties these refugees are reaching to european countries, many dies and on the way and how humanitarian organizations forced europeon union to do more for these refugees. Sansone, R. (2016). oxfam international. Retrieved from this stroy has great content. It tells me about global displacement crisis and how countries are protecting these refugees and providing them health facilities and helping them to stand back in life again.

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