Transformative Leadership Paper, Part I

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Transformative Leadership Paper, Part I

This assignment is to include all transformation readings from week one and two.


Complete Part I of Stories of Transformative Leadership in the Human

Services. Please include readings from weeks one and two. Make sure you are referening the actual agency and not the Alliance Group. This would be the agency ran by Allison Smith.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that addresses the following:

·         Are the staff in this agency self-aware? Why or why not? Provide examples.

·         How do the staff members perceive the work they do? How is this perception affecting their relationship with each other? How might it be harmful to clients? Provide examples.

·         Based on the readings, how would you define personal values? What values do the staff of this agency hold? Are these values a good match for quality human services work? Explain.

·         What belief system or systems do the staff adhere to? What are some beliefs that can be improved on or changed to create a better work experience, while maintaining quality in services delivered?


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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