a) Given the following forecast and steady regular output of 550 every month, what total cost would 1 answer below »

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a) Given the following forecast and steady regular output of 550 every month, what total cost would result if overtime is limited to a max of 40 units per month, and subcontracting is limited to a max of 10 unites a month? Unit costs are:

Regular output = $20

Overtime = $30

Subcontract = $25

Average inventory = $10

Backog = $18 Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 Forecast 540 540 570 590 600 580

b) Suppose now that backlogs are not allowed. Modify your plan from part a to accomodate that new condition as economically as possible. The limits on overtime and subcontracting remain the same.

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