PPT for middle school students

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This PPT is due Saturday. It needs to be just like the sample PPT in the attachment but directed towards middle school students.


·         Design a middle school learning program answering the bullets below (same questions from last week, but now about middle school).

·          Design an ideal middle program that supports development in the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional areas. You will need to include two activities per development that the students can do. Include the following:


o    The age range of the children to be served

o    A description of at least two learning activities you intend to use for each of the developmental areas and the learning theories behind these activities

o    How you will include diverse populations

o    How you will use technology to individualize and support learning

o    A description or diagram of how the classroom would be organized so that children may develop in each area


Present your final program design in the same format  as you did with your team.




·         Add the accommodations you would make for multiple intelligences.


Sentences are well-constructed, clear, and concise.

The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

APA format is correct

Citations within the body of the presentation follow APA guidelines. 

Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.

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