Theory Constructs

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Unit 2 “Theory Constructs”


Assignment Instructions:


Produce a brief analysis and evaluation of the role that politics plays in public administration, and the agency you chose to examine in Unit 1. The analysis and evaluation must contain each of the elements identified under assignment requirements below.  The agency that I am using is Administration on Aging.


Assignment requirements:


Prepare a 4-5 page analysis and evaluation containing the following elements:

·                   A summary of your belief as to whether politics and administration should be kept separate.

·                   The role politics plays in your selected Agency.

·                   Identification of 4 peer-reviewed articles from the Kaplan University Library.

·                   A summary of current trends in the field of public administration and policy making, supported with the identified peer-reviewed articles and the “Study on the Administrative Process” and providing arguments on both sides of this debate.

·                   Choose and make a case for your position.

·                   Length should be 4-5 pages, excluding cover page and references; typed double spaced in 10-12 point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable).

·                   Use proper APA style throughout and citations and references for the paper.

·                   Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).

·                   Writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.

·                   Work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.

·                   Appropriate citation style should be followed.


As part of this Assignment, please draw upon the works of Woodrow Wilson in his “Study on the Administrative Process,” and at least four other peer-reviewed articles. These articles should be written by leaders in the field of public administration, as they work to shape our understandings of how politics and administration should be kept separate, or perhaps cannot or should not be kept separate.



The purpose of the Theory Constructs Assignment is to analyze and evaluate the theoretical debate that has taken place within the field of public administration with regard to the role of politics in the administrative process.

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