cse230 project3 1

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The Task In this project, you will be writing a program that receives a string of characters via the UART, checks if this string is a palindrome, and then uses a print function to print either “Yes” or “No”. A palindrome sequence of characters (typically a word or phrase) that is the same both forwards and backwards. For this project, strings will be terminated using a period (‘.’). You may assume that a string will contain at least one character in addition to a period. You will not need to handle empty strings or strings with only a period. Your program should be able to handle multiple strings sent one after another or concatenated together. For example, the string: “abba. data.” should print “Yes” followed by “No” on the next line. Spaces should be ignored when checking for a palindrome and the palindrome should not be case sensitive. For example, “A nut for a jar of Tuna.” would be considered a palindrome.

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