week 2 discussion post 4

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Here are your discussion questions for this week (answer one):

  1. Summarize the Just War Theory. In your own words, explain how it applies to Information Warfare and the information age. Does Information Warfare qualify as a type of warfare based on the Just War Theory and supplemental concepts?
  2. What does Clausewitz say about the nature of Information in Warfare? Is it dated since it was written before the Information Age? How does it apply today?
  3. Several principles define Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello. Provide two principles from each and explain how those principles apply to Information Warfare.
  4. Should cyber attacks by a nation-state be considered ‘armed’ attacks? Justify your answer.
  5. To conduct Information Warfare, does the attacker or defender need to be country or nation state? Can nonstate actors be involved in information warfare? Why or why not?
  6. Libicki says in Chapter 5 that the three basic goals of Information Warfare are denial of service, interception (exploitation), and corruption of information files and flows. From the attacker’s point of view, does the over abundance of information that Libicki describes in this chapter hinder or help the attacker with these goals? Does this “information glut” help or hinder the defenders of the information?
  7. If you answered this question in Week 1 “If an entity has reliable evidence to prove another entity removed, used, or manipulate the first entities electronic information should they then have the right to respond in the same manner?” Having read on the Just War Theory has your position changed, in yes how if no why not.


Supplemental Reading

Supplemental Websites & Video

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