Self-Reflection Journal Prompts

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There are 14 prompts about the self reflection, do not need the name/course name/date.

Prompt 1:

In an ideal world, what does an intimate relationship look like?

Prompt 2:

How much sex do you think your peers are having? If you believe they are having sex, how

fulfilling of an experience is it? If they are not, why might they not be?

Prompt 3:

Describe “hookup culture” in your own words. How does it affect college students (or young

people generally) today?

Prompt 4:

How much oral sex do you think your peers are having?

How seriously do you think your peers think oral sex is?


Not a big deal Very serious

Describe your or your friends’ experiences giving oral sex.

Describe your or your friends’ experiences receiving oral sex.


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