Persuasive Essay Assignments

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Not picky on the topic. Must be MLA style.

Sources that need to be used:

Map that needs to be used:

ENG101 – Essay Map


Supporting Point #1

Supporting Point #2

Supporting Point #3

Facts or examples to support #1

Facts or examples to support #2

Facts or examples to support #3

Anticipated counterarguments for point #1

Anticipated counterarguments for point #2

Anticipated counterarguments for point #3



As a heads-up, the persuasive essay should cite at least three sources from the library databases you’ve studied thus far, or any other library database you’d like to explore on your own.

Rough Draft:

  • Complete a rough draft of your persuasive essay. The draft should include:

    • 6-10 paragraphs
    • MLA format with the proper heading, title, and a works cited page
    • Three cited sources from library databases

    Final Project: Consists of two parts.Remember that your final project consists of two parts. In addition to revising your persuasive essay, you are asked to re-Vision your essay in a way that’s suited for a larger audience. The revision should maintain the same topic as your original essay.
    The act of revisioning not only completes the final stage of the writing process (publication), but also taps into creative fluency, one of the twenty-first-century literacies as described by educational theorist Lee Crockett. Creative fluency is the process by which “artistic proficiency adds meaning through design, art and storytelling. It regards form in addition to function, and the principles of innovative design.”Your persuasive essay is geared towards an academic audience; your revisioned essay will appeal to a wider audience. Remember that you are asked to choose ONE of the options (a written option, or a design option)

    Option 1: Write

    If you select this option, you will be asked to write two to three additional pages to describe an intended project where you attempt to persuade a larger audience. The subject of this project should be the same as your persuasive essay, though the medium should be different. In this option, you do not have to actually create the alternative version of your essay, but your additional pages should focus on the following points:

    • What audience would you try to reach and where would they find your work? A magazine? An Internet ad? A giant billboard?
    • What medium would you design in and why do you think it would be effective?
    • Describe what your project would look like if you were given the money or time to actually create the alternative format. Be specific!
    • Evaluate the pros and cons of your intended approach.
    Option 2: Design

    If you select this option, you will be asked to create an alternative presentation of your essay designed to reach a larger audience. The subject of this project should be the same as your persuasive essay, though the medium should be different.In this option, you are asked to create a short alternative version of your essay, selecting the appropriate technology, and supplementing it with an additional paragraph that briefly explains why you selected the medium and what type of audience you hope to reach. This additional paragraph could be integrated into the project, if appropriate, or submitted as a word document. Some options include:

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