Compare Japanese anime/manga with an American cartoon/comics.

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Compare Japanese anime/manga with an American cartoon/comics. Are they really the same thing but with different names? What are the similarities and differences between the two?

This paper must be:

– MLA Format

– 4-5 Pages Double Spaced

– Include work cited page

– Size 12 font, and times new roman font

All quotes must be cited in text and all sources used must be cited in a work cited page. All the sources should be accessible to me and or public.

Must answer the question as thorough as possible, to show mastery of subject matter.

Must use historical information/background of the US cartoons and Japanese cartoons, I.E Tokugawa Period, Post WWII and etc.

Must use examples of how specifically they are different from each other throughout the essay.

I have in-class note materials if needed. please message me to let me know if you need that or the names of the text books i have.


I. Introduction

II. Info about history of american cartoons, who created it, how has it evolved, what is american cartoon/comic style/format, what are it’s restrictions, who were the typical audience, has the trend died out recently or still popular, how does it impact american culture?

III. Info about history of Japanese anime, who created it, how has it evolved, what is the Japanese anime/manga style/format, what are it’s restrictions, who were the typical audience, has the trend died out recently or still popular, how does it impact Japanese culture?

IV. Discuss differences of the two, and compare and contrast and conclude yes or no if its the same thing but with different names.

V. Conclusion

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