Work on the grammar of the first part and write a IT Strategic Plan, management homework help

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I need to work step by step with a tutor to adjust my written part of the project and make sure all the parts in the rubric are well covered, and zero grammar mistakes and all ideas are cohesion.

And then write in this below part:

V. Action Plan:

Develop an action plan based on two to four of what you believe are your highest-priority strategic IT initiatives that encapsulates the IT vision and mission, IT department SWOT, and two to four strategic IT initiatives. Your action plan should include all of the relevant considerations for your department and company, as it would if you were to create one for your own company of employment. Your plan should address and include the following:

A. Plan: Articulate the steps, timeline, and responsibilities for the action plan in a professional manner by integrating aspects of IT, strategy, and management principles to inform sound decision making.

B. Regulations and Standards: Analyze regulations and external information management standards to ensure ethical and legal compliance for each action item. Defend the adherence of each to relative standards, regulations, and internal controls.

C. Value Assessment: Provide the rationale for each action item. In other words, assess the value of each action item within the context of the business processes, quality management, or organization impact.

D. Fiscal Management: Discuss the high-level impact of each action item on the department and organization in terms of finances and budgetary considerations. This is not intended to be a detailed budget proposal, but a higher-level, broader discussion on the fiscal benefits and costs of the actions you plan to bring forth. You may need to perform some research depending on the type of action plans you are creating.

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