what is the significance?

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Answer the BOLD question(s). Answer only needs to be a couple of paragraphs.

Several of this unit’s texts seem to challenge traditional notions of the uniqueness and superiority of the human species. In “The Screwfly Solution,” humans become the target of a sort of biological pest control effort; “Swarm” gives us a glimpse of humans who try to exploit an alien ecology but are instead absorbed into it; “Silicon Muse” and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep suggest that certain traits, such as empathy, the yearning for freedom, and other emotions are not so exclusively human as we once thought.

Please discuss what you see as the significance of these and similar stories. Why do we find them compelling? Why do they start appearing in SF at the times they do? In what ways are they about the present rather than the future?

Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Stories from the The Oxford Book of Science Fiction:

Disch, “Problems” Wolfe, “How the Whip Came Back”

Niven, “Cloak” Spinrad, “Thing of Beauty”

Sheldon, “Screwfly” Martin, “The Way of Cross”

Sterling, “Swarm” Gibson, “Burning Chrome”

Schenck, “Silicon”

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