literature reviews

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I need literature reviews for 8 articles individually. So each article will have it’s own literature review. Each literature reviews is about 2 pages. So the total pages for the 8 articles will be about 16 pages.

The following are suggestions for thought when examining each “facet” of the research.


Was it succinct and clearly stated

Accurately represents the work




Inclusive and clearly stated

Concepts were researchable

Rationale for study was clearly identified

Review of the Literature

Deal with the problem concepts

Flows from lease relevant to most relevant

Primary sources were used

References current

Appropriate classic sources included

Documentation was clear and complete

Review was summarized at the end with implications for proposed study

Study Framework

Necessary concepts included

Concepts present succinctly

Concepts/theory served as foundation for the methodology


Clearly derived from the concepts/theoretical framework

If appropriate to the study, it was clearly stated

Hypothesis was clearly derived from the purpose

If hypothesis stated, it was testable

Variables were operationally defined


Were clearly defined and stated

Were valid


Necessary definitions were included

All definitions were included


Population criteria defined

Criteria appropriate to the population/hypothesis

Sampling technique described

Response rate identified

Sample size adequate

Human rights protected

Sample mortality

Data Collection Methods

Methods clearly and logically described

Methods appropriate for the hypothesis/question

Methods appropriate for subjects and settings

Tools and measurements

Method of development

Author of each instrument

How the instrument/tool was used in the study

Scoring methods described

Reliability data provided for each instrument

Validity data provided for each instrument

Likely sources of error described and controlled

Method for manipulation of independent variable described

Findings/Statistical Analysis

Evidence apparent that procedures were conducted as planned

Analysis dealt with all information that was gathered

Technique of statistical appropriate to the level of data

Findings were summarized and consistent with those expected

Stated findings were related to the hypothesis/question

Interpretations reached were justified by the findings

Conclusions reached were justified by the findings

Areas of additional study were identified and consistent with findings

Study sufficiently clear to allow for replication

What was missing? Did they leave out any population characteristics, how data was handled or allude to information they collected but did not present?

Guidelines for Written Assignments:

  • Objective: To prepare a review of the literature pertinent to a selected problem for healthcare research and to use that review to propose a methodology to address the problem.( I already picked the topic of the problem)
  • Conduct a search of literature relevant to the problem/topic. Identify a minimum of 8 references ( I attached the 8 articles) which are randomized clinical trials.
  • Prepare a preliminary list of these references in AMA format
  • Read the articles with the focus of preparing a document that will compare and contrast the information in the articles you found.
  • The reader of your literature review should be able to clearly identify the gaps in the knowledge in the problem area as well as the purpose of the study you are proposing. The number of pages in this assignment vary according to the problem length and complexity of the articles reviewed and critiqued. You should be able to write enough to create an effective argument but not so much that the result looks padded
  • For the tutor:
  • I uploaded the 8 randomized controlled trails articles
  • My topic for healthcare research is: The effectiveness of physical exercise to prevent gestational diabetes.
  • I also uploaded previous work for the class to see an example for what the instructor wants

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