Describe what it was like to be a slave in the United States as told through the experiences of Frederick Douglass

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Font 12. One inch margins. In addition, paper should include a cover page and bibliography. Cite quotes and facts as needed. Limit citations and none should be longer than one sentence. Paper should describe what it was like to be a slave in the United States as told through the experiences of Frederick Douglass. Be as thorough as possible addressing all aspects and environments of American slaves; what was it like to be a slave? How did slavery impact slave owners? Focus should be on slavery in general not Douglass (don’t ignore Douglass, just focus on slavery). One approach would be to read the book and write your paper as if you were explaining slavery to a friend who knows nothing about slavery. Personal analysis is expected, not a summary of book. You should read the preface but the autobiography begins on page 1 with, ” I WAS born in Tuckahoe, near Hillsborough,…”

This is the book:

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