MBA Capstone class, business assignment help

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I am seeking help from a genius for my MBA Capstone class. It is Business implementation plan for a Senior concierge business concept/product that uses a web based platform for senior citizens to request for help as well as offers a gps wrist watches.
I am having a problem putting all my papers together in forming my final business plan..
Please read the business concept for an over all understanding.
** I have attached all of my papers & power point to aide with structuring and underdstanding , ( However, if you can some how add more info make it sound better, or left something out please add to it . )

The Assignment:

Throughout you coursework, you have been developing a business concept you think would be a valuable contribution in the current market context. You have created an initial business plan with relevant and considered the financial, regulatory, and other elements that affect your concept. For yourcapstone project, you will take the next step to consider how you will implement your business plan and present your ideas to potential financial supporters or company executives. The capstone consists of two components: a business implementation plan and an audiovisual presentation of your business concept(including implementation).

Capstone Component 1: Business Implementation Plan
In the first component of your capstone, you will create a business implementation plan detailing your concept and how it will be carried out for potential investors and other concerned stakeholders (management, cross- functional team members, and others). Throughout, you should build on your previous

coursework, including your business plan and relevant addenda, making any necessary adjustments and being sure to tie the different elements together in presenting a comprehensive business implementation plan.Keep in mind that although different actors will be looking for different things and will read your plan with varying levelsof detail, all stakeholders will want to know that you have thoroughly researched your idea and have carefully considered all relevant aspects for its successful implementation before deciding tosupport it. Consequently, your plan should be well

-grounded in evidence and data.Your business implementation plan must include the following sections:

I. Executive Summary
Provide a brief overview of your concept and its key features, including cost, timeframe, and anticipated benefits.

II. Justification
Lay out the rationale for the concept, including the problem or opportunity it addresses, the market for the product or service, and the key features that set it apart from the competition. You should also discuss how the concept fits with the mission, vision, and priorities of the companyimplementing it and how or why it is innovative.

III. Implementation Plan
Propose a clear and comprehensive plan for implementing and managing the concept from inception to completion. Although thedetails of your plan will necessarily depend upon your concept, at a minimum your plan should consider:Physical and technological resources needed for the concept, including where these will come from and how they will be used to reduce cost or improve operations. Be sure to discuss why one resource option is better than another where appropriate.A detailed implementation schedule covering what needs to be done, by when, and by whom. The schedule should identify the critical path to success and outline the dependencies between tasks. project review processes and indicators of success to ensure that the project stays on target An explanation of how intrapreneurship or entrepreneurshipfactors in to the implementation of your plan and how you will protect intangible assets, such as intellectual property or brand

IV. Company and Key Personnel
Explain why your organization is well positioned to carry out the project, including how the concept fits with yourorganization’s core competencies and the type of corporate culture that will offer the best possibility for successful implementation. In addition, define the key roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of the cross-functional team that will be responsible for implementing the project. Although you may not always be able to provide the names of the specific individuals who will occupy those roles, you should explain the specific skills and experience required for each and the contributions each member will make, including what your own role will be in the process and contingency plans should the team composition you propose need to be modified.

V. Financial Analysis and Funding.
Analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of your analysis. Support your analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.

VI. Assumptions and Contingency Planning
Clearly explain the assumptions you have made in creating your business implementation plan, any factors thatmay affect those assumptions or the success of the project, and how you have planned for those contingencies. At a minimum, you should discuss any cross cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept; how you will ensure that the project operates in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained; plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept; and the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of your concept.

25 pages not including Appendices, references, title page , table of content.
12 font, Times New Roman, with 1 inch Margins

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