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Min of 250 (per person)words Consider 2 highly visible public people in a leadership positions. Discuss this individuals leadership styles/traits in terms of what we have learned from our reading. What characteristics have made this person successful? Since all leaders encounter dissension at some point, what characteristics have helped this person handle conflict and what characteristics have hindered him/her? How could the latter be addressed effectively? Please use (PDF) and the links listed below that are attached for research and cite all resources.

Ayman, R., & Korabik, K. (2010). Leadership: Why gender and culture matter. American Psychologist, 65(3), 157-170.

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    Please use the following links for the references. This video provides a quick, yet fairly comprehensive overview of the major leadership theories.

    Dennis N.T. Perkins: Leadership and Teamwork at The Edge

    Dennis N.T. Perkins: Leadership and Teamwork at The Edge

    YouTube URL:

    Start with why — how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound

    YouTube URL:

    Ten Leadership Theories in Five Minutes

    YouTube URL:

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