History 108

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Read the attached to this week 2 “Ellis Island and Angel Island” files and respond to the following questions:

Essay Topic for week 2: What were the changes in the immigration attitude towards new immigrants from Eastern/Southern Europe? Is the ‘hydraulic metaphor’ of: torrents, floods, and waves of immigration true in the case of Gilded Age migrations? What was a typical transportation arrangement for someone traveling from Krakow, Poland to Detroit, Michigan as described in the article? How were the Chinese immigrants treated on arrival in California as opposed to the Europeans arriving in Ellis Island?

The format for this and rest of discussions:

Essay narrative comprised of at least five paragraphs: an introduction (containing your strong arguments), three paragraphs or more (detailed analysis of your arguments with examples, in-depth coverage, and research), and conclusion. MLA is a must. Essays not formatted in MLA style will be marked down automatically 10 points; grammar, style, and lack of proofreading (spell check) will mark essays further 15 points; poor execution, brevity, and lack of evidence in your findings/arguments may fail your attempt in this exercise. If you short cite your sources in the text (e.g. (Smith 89)) please provide works cited full citation list beneath your essay. Post by 11:59 pm on Saturday. Once your essay is written, MLA (APA or Chicago) formatted and checked for errors please upload it. This will be done weekly. An example of MLA paper. Late emailed work will not be accepted for grading. Make sure to upload your essay ahead of the deadline in order to remedy any last-minute mishaps.

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