Discussion ​Assignment Details.

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Reflecting on the focus and content of this course, what is an important challenge facing management of health care organizations today, and how would you go about addressing it? Explain.

Course Objectives:

  • Develop a crisis management plan for a healthcare organization to ensure patient safety and containment or control of contagions in the event of a natural disaster, a catastrophic building failure, or an act of terrorism
  • Formulate policies governing health service vendors retained by a healthcare organization to address legal and regulatory requirements to ensure the safety, care, and privacy of patients
  • Evaluate the impact of legal and regulatory policy on decision making and strategy development in healthcare organizations
  • Compose performance baselines for healthcare organizations and develop strategies to manage and measure performance
  • Assess the implications of various health issues and methods of managing them on operational performance of healthcare organizations
  • Critically evaluate the efficacy of management practices in a contemporary healthcare organization

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