From the scenario, prioritize the most significant components of a social media campaign, management homework help

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Comment on the below discussion. I have also attached a document where 2 comments are needed on the individuals post.

  • From the scenario, prioritize the most significant components of a social media campaign according to the level of influence each could have on the new product launch. Examine both the social media tools that will provide the highest return on investment (ROI), and two (2) key performance indicators (KPIs) that one could use to measure success. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Use the Internet to research social media marketing strategies. Next, imagine that you are a manager of a retail store in a major mall with decreasing sales. Suggest two (2) ways that you can use social media in order to increase sales and promote your business. Provide two (2) examples of businesses that have used these methods and succeeded.

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