Paper on Target Company

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Describe the company profile

The context for your analysis related to sustainability.

Your goal here would be to put all the information necessary (briefly) for a sound analysis.

goals are waste goals Cite sources throughout the narrative using footnotes.

Number of pages 4 ( I have mention the goals please expand briefly on it )

Goals for waste

1. Enhance at least 50-owned brand packaging designs to be more sustainable by 2016

2. Introduce hydrofluorocarbon free refrigerants in our food distribution centers and stand-alone refrigerated display cases by 2020.

3. Divert every 70% of our retail waste from landfills through reuse or recycle programs by 2020.

Goals for water

1. Reduce water use by 10% per square foot in stores by 2020.

2. Healthy ecosystems and sustainable water management.

3. Storm water systems to collect rainwater.

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