Find a Test to Select Individuals for a Competitive Academic Program

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Find a test that could be used to select individuals for an employment position or an educational placement for a competitive academic program using the following website:

Note: Do not purchase a review of any test. You will use the Buros website to look up the name and brief description of a test and then conduct further research on your own about this test.

Discuss the following hypothetical case involving this test: In this civil suit, the Plaintiff claims that the evidence of the validity of the test scores that were applied is not acceptable in making the selection (around 0.25). The Defendant counters that scores that have low validity coefficients can be useful in making decisions and that procedures used in determining validity of the test scores apply to the current situation.

Using the test you selected or the test you employed in your Unit 1 Discussion, identify the issues and the concepts involved in this dispute. Present evidence of your position. You may argue either the Plaintiff or the Defendant positions. Be sure to clearly identify which position you are taking.

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