What is the history level for the code 99203?, health and medicine homework help

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1. What is the history level for the code 99203?

2. What is the MDM complexity for the code 99204?

3. What is the examination level for the code 99205?

4. A 53-year-old new patient presents for an initial office visit to
discuss a surgical vasectomy for sterelization. The history and
examination are detailed and the MDM is of low complexity. Code_________

5. A 4-year-old new patient presents for the removal os sutures
made for an appendectomy 10 days earlier in another city. The physician
conducts a brief history and examination prior to removing the stitches.

1. What type of code must be used for a patient that is going to donate a Kidney?

2. What type of code must be used in a case of a family history of breast cancer?

3. What type of code must be used in a case of a plane crash?

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