Wells Fargo PP

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In addition, please revise the reward system. You need to actually tell how you will reward the employee. For example, all employees that have perfect attendance, each month Wells Fargo will mail a $25 incentive to their home address.


– Must have a dark background

– Not too much words in the PP. Most of the words should be in the speaker notes

– Professional and ready to disseminate to the class

1. Assignment 1 Executive Summary

Use the executive summary from Assignment 1 to prepare and present

the key elements associated with your research

and recommendations.

2. Assignment 2 Executive Summary

Use the executive summary from Assignment 2 to prepare and present

the key elements associated with your research

and recommendations.

3. Assignment 3 Executive Summary

Use the executive summary from Assignment 3 to prepare and

present the key elements associated with your research

and recommendations.

4. Speaker’s Notes

Include speaker’s notes for each slide (or a bulleted script if using

video) to indicate what you will say as you deliver the presentation

to the Board of Directors.

5. Presentation

Deliver your presentation with professional presence. Upload your

PowerPoint screencast or video presentation following

the instructions in the Kaltura videos above.

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