A thesis-driven argument discussing more than two perspectives, English homework help

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a topic, do some research, and write a persuasive essay by using
sources to support the claims you make. Argue from sources. Develop your
ideas by discussing the ideas of others. Name the authors and, whenever
possible, put them in subject position. Paraphrase or quote the ideas
or information, explaining how it contributes to your argument. In other
words, tell us why you are including that information and how you want
us to interpret it. Speak to us directly. Be as direct and explicit as
possible. In particular, be explicit about the different perspectives
that you identified in your research. Name them. If you want, you could
organize your essay around the perspectives.

The essay should be at least six pages, typed and double spaced. List your sources in the body of your essay and at the end, using MLA format.

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