Scenario 1 Managing for Performance

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Even the most impressive car won’t go far without a steering wheel and brakes. That’s because the steering wheel and brakes are essential mechanisms for safe operation of the car while impacting the experience of being a driver or a passenger in the car. This is what the control function of management is all about. Even with exceptional planning, organization, and leadership, poor control can lead to disaster.

In Ch. 16, Kinicki and Williams (2016) provide an overview of the control function as a means to monitor performance against expectations so the organization and its people can set goals to take actions that close the gap. Let’s leverage this chapter to explore key concepts in control against brief video segments to determine how we can improve the control function at work and school.


Do notstart a new thread. Select oneof the following scenarios, develop a response, and then post the response as a reply to this discussion starter. Limit your response to 150 to 300 words, demonstrate an understanding of and cite the required readings or other credible sources that you apply, and look for opportunities to engage with and learn from others.


Scenario 1: Managing for Performance

In addition to reviewing the course materials, watch the Harvard Business Reviewvideo “Convince Executives to Measure Performance” and then answer the following questions:

  1. Why is control an important managerial activity?
  2. How well does your company (or a previous one) perform the steps in the control process?
  3. What does the organization need to do better?
  4. Using the video “Convince Executives to Measure Performance” and the chapter readings as your foundation, what best practices do you recommend for improving performance measurement at your work or school?

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