choose one of six story that i given. And write an essay.

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Draft: Write a 500 – 750-word essay that responds to the following questions:

  1. What is the name of the story? The author? Year published?
  2. What is the story about? (short paragraph)
  3. Who is the main character and what are the main qualities?
  4. What elements are repeated?
  5. Why or how are they functioning as symbols?
  6. Think of an updated version of the story. How would you modify the story to make it take place now? Describe the names, places, and other elements.
  7. DIY Blockbuster! A lot of movies and television series are based on updates and modifications of classics. Here’s a chance to create your own.

Final Version: Expand your draft and add more details and 2 or 3 more paragraphs to the DIY Blockbuster!

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