discussion answer and 2 replies to peers

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first answer the discussion then reply to the two peers listed below:

attached is my work from the previous class. for the first portion of this discussion

In this discussion, begin by introducing yourself to the class and explaining your background. Next, using your learning from MBA 515 and MBA 550, outline your views on the importance of new ideas and concepts by explaining how you will incorporate entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship into your business implementation plan. Then explain and justify how your own concept or idea fits within the context of entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship to create change.

In response to your peers, critique their justifications of how their concept or idea fits within the context of entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship to create change. Ask probing questions to challenge your peers to deepen their analysis and justification of their own ideas.

peer 1

Hello – My name is Melissa and I am working on my MBA in Quantitative Analysis. My undergraduate degree is in Mathematics so pursuing my MBA while also working in Corporate America has helped further my knowledge about business and the environment that we live in. I am an analyst who works in sales based organizations helping with pricing, churn, margin, compensation, and forecasting to name a few. I enjoy what I do and getting my degree while simultaneously working has helped me find real world situations to apply my knowledge.

Businesses need to constantly innovate, improve current products, and look at potential areas of business expansion with their product lines if they want to keep and grow their market share. Consumers are always on the hunt for the next big idea and product. If a company never evaluates its current product offerings to see where there is opportunity, they are doing themselves a disservice and missing out on opportunity and possibly reducing the businesses longevity.

The product I am introducing is the Trash Can Bumper. A product that will prevent trash cans from slipping once placed where they are intended to be is needed in the industry. One idea that can solve this problem is the creation of a bumper to be placed behind the trash cans, called the Trash Can Bumper. This will be an intrapreneurial idea at simplehuman, as they currently have the means, technology, and customer base to market the Trash Can Bumper and make it successful. A great reputation in the market, patents for product inventions, and durable and reliable products give simplehuman a competitive advantage. Should the idea take off on its own, or potentially open other markets, the product and subsequent ideas may spin off into their own company and move more towards the entrepreneurial side of business. But for now, the idea will fit well with simplehuman’s business model as it is innovative and fits a niche, previously untapped market.

peer 2

Hello Class,

My name is Ernie Montano and this is the final class for my MBA program. I am in the Business of Music program that is jointly offered by SNHU and Berklee College of Music. I attained my undergraduate degree in Business Management from the University of Arizona in 2016. When I’m done with this program, my goal is to have some type of career involved in the music industry. My past experience includes an internship with the nonprofit Fender Music Foundation, as well as working with my dad’s company that imports plywood from overseas to the U.S.

My business implementation plan will build on my work in my previous MBA classes, which was focused on the development of a new product from action camera manufacturer GoPro. The product idea is a smartphone case with a built-in virtual reality camera lens, as well as a companion smartphone app in order to manage, edit and share the users’ original content. Intrapreneurship fits within the context of this product idea through GoPro’s past acquisition of Kolor, a virtual reality technology firm. GoPro will use the capabilities and knowledge acquired from Kolor in order to develop their new product line of the virtual reality lens smartphone case.


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