Legislator Communication

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Assignment 2: Legislator Communication


This written assignment requires you to investigate your local, state, and federal legislators and explore their assigned committees and legislative commitments. You are expected to investigate current and actual legislative initiatives that have either passed or are pending approval by the house, senate, or Governor’s office. You will draft a letter to a specific legislator and offer support or constructive argument against pending policy or legislation. The letter must be supported with a minimum of 3 evidence-based primary citations.

By Monday, April 24, 2017, post the results of your work in the form of a two- to three-page Word document to the W2 Assignment 2 Dropbox.

Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Investigated your local, state, and federal legislators and explored their assigned committees and legislative commitments.


Investigated current and actual legislative initiatives that have either passed or are pending approval by the house, senate, or Governor’s office.


Drafted a letter to a specific legislator and offered support or constructive argument against pending policy or legislation.


Supported the letter with a minimum of 3 evidence-based primary citations.


Followed APA guidelines.




The state you must use is Florida and the topic is nursing shortages. You must find a specific legislative initiative. I am asking that for this assignment you utilize The Federal Nurse Reinvestment Act of 2002 amended
Title VIII of the Public Health Service Act: Nursing
Workforce Development to complete this paper.

Here is a website that you will need to use as reference for this paper. http://archive.flsenate.gov/data/Publications/2005…

The other two references you will find on your own. If you have no knowledge on this subject please don’t waste my time and please don’t bid on this. I will be checking for grammatical errors, as well as plagiarism.

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