Finance and Accounting questions

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Question 1:

Keep your eyes and ears open
as you read or listen to the news this week. Find/discover an example of
statistics in the news to discuss the following statement that represents one
of the objectives of statistics analysis: “Statistics helps us make decisions
based on data analysis.” Briefly discuss how the news item or article meets
this objective. Cite your references.

Question 2:

Review Illustration 18-1 on
page 1081 in the downloadable or hardcopy text (Chapter 18, sixth edition).
This is a detailed sample stockholders’ equity section of the balance sheet for
Exposition Corporation.

Discuss the items and item descriptions that you
find in this section. For example, the first item is preferred stock. What is
preferred stock? What makes it different from common stock? How is the dollar
amount shown for preferred stock determined? What is par value? Why is the
preferred par value set at $10?

Question 3:

Compare the payment of cash
dividends, stock dividends, and purchase of treasury stock from existing
shareholders. What are the similarities and differences?

If you were a corporate treasurer, which method
would you recommend for returning funds to stockholders?

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